
    I'm Andrea. I wrote the book Bella Morella * Super Self Wake Up. I have so enjoyed watching Bella grow and become the beautiful, funny and outgoing young lady that she is. Bella has touched my heart and taken me on a journey of finding my super self. Writing a book is a really cool thing to do but, it can also be a little scary. Sometimes your thoughts can tell you, "You can't do this!" or "Who are you to write a book?" ... So for the first time ever in my whole life, I am stepping out of the box and trying something new. I am going to "Go for it!"

    It feels amazing to go after something that you really love and enjoy. I decided to tell those negative, doubtful thoughts to go away (even though they came back often) and I decided to replace them with thoughts that tell me, "I can do it!" "I got this!" "This is going to be amazing!" I hope that you will also gain inspiration from Bella and her story and maybe mine too, and do what you love to do. Let your true passion shine. You have magic inside of you, share it with the world! I believe in you and so does Bella Morella!


A.L. Garris